Your Football Career

 Balslev Partyzant

Postów: 1
Grupa: Użytkownik
Dołączył: 07.06.2016
Skąd: Sorø
Poziom ostrzeżeń: 0
07.06.2016, 15:09    #1
Hi guys

We run a game about being a professionel football player, and making it to the very top of the game.

The game is entirely fictional and every character you will meet in the game is controlled by another human. You decide where your player is from, what his name is and how he should develop.

During the game you will face a lot of the most common tasks, such as finding out where to play, what you want to train, how much money means to you and stuff like that.

The game is currently on it's 9th season and just to give you a quick peak at what has happened:

*Starting season was 10 teams, and 70 active players.
*From then on the game grew, and we decided to move the platform aswell.
*At a very high we have had 140 active players, and have had no less than 90 (deducting the startup phase).

Some of the biggest stars in the game are named:
Antonio Azzini, Ryan Wilson, Chris Niller, Eidur Stefansson, Kreso Grubisic, Maxime Briand, Marcus Boehman, Lucas Ribeiro, Miljenko Vuckovic, Ola Sjöström, Jurgen Radge, Andrew Hardi and Steven McSmith just to mention some of them. A few of these have even entered the games Hall of Fame for their contribution on and off pitch.

The most legendary teams in the game are the likes of Olympique Strasbourg, Juve Caserta, Chakra United Ultimatum F.C and Jericoacoara SC

As you might get from the above, the players get into character, and doesn't settle for being just a random danish bloke playing at a team called Super Team AS, and stuff like that. And we have intentionally poked people into chosing a realistic alter-ego, and looking at those who stick to the game, the ones that have taken that into account are also the ones that have made it the furthest, and find the game the most fun.

The game is build around Football Manager, and as such you cannot control your player, but it is build up on the database, and the games are then streamed through Football Manager. Your ability to act as a professional footballer will be key to develop, make enough money to go to the gym and stuff like that.

The game is a role play, like mentioned, and it takes very little time. As it is also a manual game, there is currently two matches pr. week (3 occasionally when there are cup matches), so your player will progress nice and slowly, so you get the full feel of the game, instead of speeding into the world elite. The more players, obviously the more it will demand. Currently we have two divisions. The Premier and the 1. division. Most of the real players are playing in the Premiership, while the players that have lost interest/quit the game have gotten deducted their "talent" and is playing as a "DRAFT-player" in the 1. division (A few are also as backups in the Premierships).

Is this something you would be interested in playing? It is absolutely up to the player what amount of time he puts into it. I estimate that the game takes ~5 minutes pr. week to play and about 30-60 minutes each 3 months to set your stats, negotiate contracts and so on. This is the very minimum, but is also doable for almost every single football interested person of the (atleast western) world. Some players spend much much longer, and the community have enough room for both.

We hope that you find this interesting. If so then join us at

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