to jest memory leak, grasz z najnowszym patchem (10.3)?
Jakiś czas temu członek SI napisał (nie tłumaczę, bo to angielski, nie węgierski czy bułgarski):
1) Do not start a game with an amount of leagues/added players that your machine cannot handle. We would not recommend anyone with 1MB RAM starting a game with more than 20,000 players loaded, nor more than 75,000 players for anyone with 2MB RAM or above at this stage - there still isn't a home computer that can handle running all leagues in the game, and the specs on the back of the box are the minimum specs needed to play the game, not to play the game with everything turned up to maximum.
2) Do not use ANY saved game/real time editors. We'll try and help anyone with a problem, but if you've used a third party tool, we have no idea what they are doing, and we definitely have some cases of corrupt saved games and corrupt memory being caused by these kinds of tools.
3) If you are having these issues, it's worth keeping "task manager" open to check memory usage and play in windowed mode. If you find the game using huge amounts of memory, then minimise the game window, and maximise it again, which seems to "flush" the memory.
4) Managing multiple clubs can have a memory effect, and this is a bug which has been fixed for patch 2 (subject to QA verifying). Thank you to those of you who pointed us in the direction of this, as the info your provided was invaluable in tracking this down.
5) Save the game regularly!
Jeśli grasz przez Steam, spróbuj tego (komuś pomogło):
Open Steam. Right click on FM 2010 and choose Properties. Select Local Files tab. Click on Verify integrity of game cache.
After doing this, Steam found files were unable to be verified and downloaded these. The game then worked correctly.[/quote]
PS. zna ktoś sposób na reklamy w tekście? Są naprawdę irytujące te okienka, a AdBlock tego nie wyłapuje. Może być jakiś skrypt z Greasemonkey. Z góry thx.
// Edytowano 2 razy, ostatni raz 12.07.2010 o godz. 21:57
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