
Już na tydzień przed świętami bożonarodzeniowymi Sports Interactive publikuje aktualizację do Football Managera 2016 oraz FM Touch. Jakich zmian doczekaliśmy się w nowej odsłonie najnowszego menedżera piłkarskiego?
Nie ulega wątpliwości, że do najważniejszych pozycji zaliczają się załatane crashe, a także poprawki w silniku meczowym. Boczni obrońcy mają sensownie bronić, zawodnicy nie mają już posyłać tyle beznadziejnych podań do bramkarzy, a oni sami lepiej decydować, czy odbić piłkę w boisko, czy poza nie. Ustabilizowano także liczbę celnych strzałów.
Pełną listę zmian w języku angielskim znajdziecie poniżej:
Improved match performance on Retina displays
Fixed rare crash on staff responsibilities screen
Fixed crash when trying to send assistant manager to tunnel interviews when no assistant appointed
Fixed game not launching in Full Screen modes on certain system setups
Fixed processing panel not disappearing when using alt-tab
Fixed attributes pop-up ordering attributes alphabetically by abbreviation not by full name
Fixed captain icon not displaying in-match
Fixed Ctrl+F shortcut
Fixed Average Positions & Heat Map options on ProZone panels showing incorrect information during live matches
Improvements to AI transfer & contract negotiations
Players will no longer count being rested for minor cup games towards first team football unhappiness
Fixed issue where players would complain about being left out of a training camp squad when they were away on international duty
Fixed players asking for a new contract and then being unwilling to sign one
Improved defending of full backs who were tucking in inappropriately
Improved behaviour of backline when deciding to cover out of position players
Prevented ball getting stuck in the crossbar
Fixed instances of goalkeepers being stranded out of goal after being called over to be booked
Fixed some examples of dead time after ball is returned from a throw in following an injury
Improved system of players taking a penalty when on a hat-trick
Fixed some instances of poor back passes and goalkeepers lack of reaction to them
Fixed some problems with Specific Man Marking instruction
Refined referee decision making on offside calls
Improved defenders behaviour when reacting to a ball they are favourite to win
Improved goalkeeper decisions to parry ball back into play when they could let the ball go out
Improved goalkeeper decisions on when to come off their line
Improved accuracy of shots on goal
Refined passing decision making to reduce instances of unnecessary direct and rushed passes
Fixed some instances of a goal being awarded when the shot had hit the bar and not gone in
Improved Retina graphics benchmarking (requires cleared cache & preferences) 
Fixed issue with black ball on Macs
Fixed extreme and sudden change from rain to shine
Age, Nationality and Wage editable on Profile page for Staff and Players
Fixes to help custom skin compatibility 
Fixed Belgium league rules failing verification checks without being edited
Fixed a few editing kit colours issues
Fixed issue with stadium editing which caused some User files to crash
Fixed edit files using the wrong start date when extracted in to the game
Fixed various unhelpful error messages when verifying files
Fixed some crashes on verification on specific files
Fixed some issues extracting certain data edits in to the game
Fixed divergence of results when playing network game between Mac & PC
Fixed obscure nations topping World Rankings at the start of new games
Fixed created clubs keeping affiliations preventing them from being promoted.
Fixed created clubs not displaying their own kits on Team of the Week.
Fixed issue where fantasy draft budget left over is calculated incorrectly
Fixed cross-save upload timeout
Fixed rare crash when navigating to the Tactics screen in-match
Fixed rare crash that when adding players after clearing squad in Create-a-Club
Fixed rare crash when using filters in Add Player dialog in Create-a-Club
Fixed some pie charts not filling correctly
Fixed news item link to non-functional Analysis screen
Fixed attributes pop-up ordering attributes alphabetically by abbreviation not by full name
Fixed captain icon not displaying in-match
Fixed Average Positions & Heat Map options on ProZone panels showing incorrect information during live matches
Fixed obscure nations topping World Rankings at the start of new games
Fixed created clubs keeping affiliations preventing promotion
Created Clubs will now use their own kits on Team of the Week
Improved defending of full backs who were tucking in inappropriately
Improved behaviour of backline when deciding to cover out of position players
Prevented ball getting stuck in the crossbar
Fixed instances of goalkeepers being stranded out of goal after being called over to be booked
Fixed some examples of dead time after ball is returned from a throw in following an injury
Improved system of players taking a penalty when on a hat-trick
Fixed some instances of poor back passes and goalkeepers lack of reaction to them
Fixed some problems with Specific Man Marking instruction
Refined referee decision making on offside calls
Improved defenders’ behaviour when reacting to a ball they are favourite to win
Improved goalkeeper decisions to parry ball back into play when they could let the ball go out
Improved goalkeeper decisions on when to come off their line
Improved accuracy of shots on goal
Refined passing decision making to reduce instances of unnecessary direct and rushed passes
Fixed some instances of a goal being awarded when the shot had hit the bar and not gone in
Improved match graphics
Improved manager model graphics

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