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Wyszukujemy w kodzie tejże linijki:<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><record><!--============================================================Basic Skin DetailsThe commands in this file are only used to describe the skin.Settings should be placed in the file "skins/<skin>/settings/<skin> settings.xml",where <skin> is the name of the skin.$DateTime: 2013/10/09 17:09:29 $============================================================--><!-- skin name, author etc --><string id="name" value="FM15 Unofficial Dark Skin" /><string id="author" value="MurChupKampSantArtS8" /><translation id="description" translation_id="249669" type="use" value="FM15 Community Dark Skin " /><string id="version" value="15.1.3" /><flags id="parent" value="fm dark-widgets" /><!--Minimum game version this skin requires to be valid, and listed as an option in the list of skins .This is used for two things:- First of all you can force a sking to only be availble for a minimum minor release (ie patch), in other wordssetting the required_version to 7.0.1 makes sure the skin won't be listed if the game is in version 7.0.0.- Secondly, the first number ("major version") is used to decide which version the skin was designed for,so if the version is "7.0.0" it won't be listed in the list of skins if the game version is "6.0.0." or "8.0.0",even though 7 is less than 8.--><string id="required_version" value="15.0.0" /></record>
<string id="name" value="FM15 Unofficial Dark Skin" />
Podkreślony fragment kodu należy skopiować. Następnie w klawiaturę (najlepiej w nowym pliku) wstukujemy:
I w miejsce <NAZWA> wklejamy wcześniej skopiowany kod, który będzie wygladał teraz tak:<string id="skin_name" value="<NAZWA>" />
<string id="skin_name" value="FM15 Unofficial Dark Skin" />
Powyższy fragment należy skopiować i wkleić w nasz config (najlepiej pod fragmentem <string id="name" value="FM15 Unofficial Dark Skin" />), który teraz będzie wyglądał tak:
Pozostało nam jedynie zapisać nasz plik jako skin_config o rozszerzeniu .xml i cieszyć się z ponownej możliwości używania skina!<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?><record><!--============================================================Basic Skin DetailsThe commands in this file are only used to describe the skin.Settings should be placed in the file "skins/<skin>/settings/<skin> settings.xml",where <skin> is the name of the skin.$DateTime: 2013/10/09 17:09:29 $============================================================--><!-- skin name, author etc --><string id="name" value="FM15 Unofficial Dark Skin" /><string id="skin_name" value="FM15 Unofficial Dark Skin" /><string id="author" value="MurChupKampSantArtS8" /><translation id="description" translation_id="249669" type="use" value="FM15 Community Dark Skin " /><string id="version" value="15.1.3" /><flags id="parent" value="fm dark-widgets" /><!--Minimum game version this skin requires to be valid, and listed as an option in the list of skins .This is used for two things:- First of all you can force a sking to only be availble for a minimum minor release (ie patch), in other wordssetting the required_version to 7.0.1 makes sure the skin won't be listed if the game is in version 7.0.0.- Secondly, the first number ("major version") is used to decide which version the skin was designed for,so if the version is "7.0.0" it won't be listed in the list of skins if the game version is "6.0.0." or "8.0.0",even though 7 is less than 8.--><string id="required_version" value="15.0.0" /></record>
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